Friday, November 15, 2013

Being A "Newbie Christian" Alongside Our Children

It's exciting when we are a new or returning Christian and there is a desire in our heart to learn more about God, what is in the Bible and to start a prayer life.  But it can feel daunting looking at that big intimidating book!  I mean we want to learn, and find encouragement and comfort, but the Bible is full of big words and sentence structure that is NOT from our modern times!  We want to start a prayer life, but what does that look like?  Where do we begin?  And as if we didn't feel overwhelmed enough, we would love for our children to start learning and praying as well, but how can we help our children when we are learning alongside them?

I found it was easiest to start very small and simple.  It was best to be patient and gentle with myself on my own process and know that it is going to take time.  And that it is MORE about the "journey" than an end arrival or place.

That's why I love this idea of the Prayer Pail below. It's a decorated tin can or bucket that is filled with craft sticks with scripture glued to each one.  AND/ OR has topics, issues or people to pray for written on each stick.  Sit it on the kitchen table and pull one out each time you sit down to dinner (or lunch or breakfast).  Read it or have your "emerging reader" read the scripture, words or names.  Take a moment to talk about what is on the stick and/or say a quick prayer.

As you are gathering scripture for the sticks feel NO SHAME in using the Table of Contents and Concordance (in the back of the Bible) to help you find scripture.  Never feel embarrassed in Googling scripture on a particular topic either. 

Take this month of November and find scripture on thankfulness and gratitude.  Write the ones that speak to you or jump out at you.  Write a week's worth down on the craft sticks and put in your Prayer Pail.  Write names of people, issues or topics of interest that you would like to take time to pray over. Pull one out each evening at the dinner table (or any meal).  Don't worry about repeats!  Start small.

As far as praying.  I know this can be awkward at first.  When I started, my children were my only audience.  They were the most nonjudgmental group.  Yay!  So any way that I did pray was okay with them.  Kind of like when they ask us to sing a song to them?  They don't care how well we sing, just that we do.  If it's still too hard, let your children pray.  If that is still too far too fast, have a quiet moment with your thoughts or wait until you are ready.  It's okay if it takes time, God is there.  He knows the desires of your heart and He is not pushing you:-) 

Friends, be patient and gentle with yourselves in this process.  And know it is ok to be in the same starting place as our children.  (It may actually be a more forgiving process than for those who are just coming to Christ without young children.)  For many this "Christian thing" is brand new and for others there are old wounds to heal from former faith communities.  There is not a right or wrong way and there is no time limit.  Worry not where someone else is in their journey or if anyone tells you where they think you should be as a new Christian.  God already has your process and your children's journeys planned.  His perfect timing is your soul's peace. 

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