The above picture is the handiwork of "The Grass Whisperer" with lots of help from "The Big Guy Upstairs". |
"As a Golf Course Superintendent, I have always considered myself a farmer that never has a harvest. Now,...I believe that my harvest is being able to drive my cart around the course in the afternoon after the daily work is finished and appreciate how awesome (this course) is and how great the view is from my office." - The Grass Whisperer (aka, My Hubby)
My husband is a Golf Course Superintendent. He would be the first to say he is not an artist. But in my eyes, he is what I like to affectionately call the
"Grass Whisperer". Definitely an artist who works with God on the most basic of levels everyday. As a Superintendent he lovingly manages the maintenance of the grass on the course. The color, texture, and movement he is able to paint on the canvas he calls a golf course, rivals that of any "en plein air" artist. His whisperings move even his crew into a synchronized motion over the acres of earthen canvas, where the grass bends and shapes into the most magnificent version of itself. Each blade will ripen to it's jolliest shade of green, at the gentle encouragement of his master plan. He has returned month after month to his canvas and has been able to pluck the vision from his mind to recreate and pull forth his ideas. His paint brushes are his crew and machines. His paint colors are a mixture of what Mother Nature offers up in plants, water , and sunshine. And the earth, is his canvas. Yet he still says, he is not an artist. I beg to differ. He is definitely an artist each day in conjunction with God himself. He has most assuredly found his "artistic voice"and is using his God given gift each day.
Life wasn't always so idyllic for my husband in his career. Or for us in our family. A few years ago, the course he worked for, at that time, was going bankrupt. The economy had tanked and the golf industry in Arizona had taken quite a hit. The last two years he worked at that course, his income was slashed nearly in half and each week he was told to lay off another member of his crew until the once 60 person crew had shrunk to 8 people including himself. He worked on such a small budget that made it difficult to even get his job done. Each day there existed such a fear for those that were still left employed, that they often turned on each other. Moral was very low. And if that wasn't fun enough, his own job was a roller coaster of week to week threats of layoff for 2 solid years. While he did remain employed, the stressful circumstances forced us both to search each day for things to be thankful for.
More handiwork of "The Grass Whisperer" and God. |
"Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." - 1 Corinthians 3:7
He has since found a new opportunity to work at a different course, that thankfully is financially stable. He now has a full crew, he has a good budget, he is earning what is needed, and to top it off ... he gets to work in the beauty of the outdoors. As I said before, he works with God on the most basic of levels each day. The above scripture has been in my husband's office for many years and he truly believes what it says. That it is God who gives the growth and the bounty. Even when it was the leanest of times,...He still provided. My husband is truly thankful for his job and all of it's gifts and he enjoys finding the large and small joys in his work each day. I am thankful that he too has his "dream job".
Though it makes me wonder, with the right attitude, might we ALL already have our "dream job"? "Dream home"? "Dream spouse"? etc. etc. And all it requires is a simple choice of appreciating what God has already given us? To look at everything in our life as a gift that has been given to us especially by God? To trust that He knows exactly what we need in our lives? What IF...we made the choice to approach each day with abundant Gratitude?
Gratitude is a powerful link to Joy.
My husband is a man of few words. He is a hard worker. Humble. A down to earth man. He would much rather be working outside than in his office. He doesn't often speak up. But when he does, he speaks with a profound simplicity. So... it recently came as a surprise when he took a suggestion of mine (gasp) regarding his "corner" of his work's monthly newsletter and ran with it. He decided to write something that was a bit of a departure from his usual fair. I've included it, so that you may see how
one man has used "GRATITUDE" to find the beauty in his everyday work life.
"A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to play in a golf event with many other Golf Course Superintendents from Arizona. After the event, a group of us were discussing our successes and our issues at our own courses. One of the questions that came up was "What is your dream job?"
As many answers were given around the table, I said my dream job was the one I currently had. I think a few guys thought I was kidding but I told them that working at (my current course) was truly a privilege. Being able to show up to work at such a beautiful place and do what I love was not something I would ever take for granted.
I have always been very into nature so whether it is watching the sun rise over the mountains or seeing the wide array of wildlife on the course, there are very few other places that measure up. Even having the opportunity to play such a great golf course and possibly even hitting a couple of shots where they were intended, makes me feel very lucky.
I believe that my entire staff feels that way as well. The ideas of spending every day at a place that appreciates the work and effort involved with maintaining a golf course is truly a blessing. When you add in fantastic support from owners, members, other managers, a great staff in every department, and an incredible facility, how can it get any better.
As a Golf Course Superintendent, I have always considered myself a farmer that never has a harvest. Now, I believe that my harvest is being able to drive my cart around the course in the afternoon after the daily work is finished and appreciate how awesome (the course) is and how great the view is from my office.
(This course) is a great example of how great a place can be. There is not a day that goes by that I am not truly grateful for being able to spend the day at such a unique and wonderful place. Thank you to everyone that makes (this golf course) possible." - (My Husband) "The Grass Whisperer"
......that is ARTFUL LIVING!
Can you find 3 things to be thankful for in your work and/or home life today? Would you be willing to try daily GRATITUDE if it meant you could have Joy, Peace, Happiness, Contentment?
Related Scripture:
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:17
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." - Psalm 136:1
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is at the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." - Colossians 3:15