So I would walk away and take some time and busy myself with something else I needed to get done. Days went by. I was really off my game. I had lost my mojo! If you haven't guessed by my other posts, I'm someone who strives to have a deep personal spiritual bond with God. He is at the center of my being. I try much of the time to wait for His guidance in much of what I write. I wasn't even feeling connected to God during this time of writers block. I have always said that I feel like God meets me on the page. All feels in sinc when I'm writing...I feel like I am operating from a core or authentic place. It is effortless,when I am in my "sweet spot"! So lately I had been feeling like both writing and my connection to my core, God, were not going well. These were red flags that something was off.
It was time to stand back and take a look at my daily life. I knew what the issue daily life was out of balance. Most of my energy was going to a volunteer project that means alot to me. While a wonderful cause, it had become very consuming. I had gotten so busy with this project, that my family had started to take a back seat to the tasks required of my new commitment. And now I was feeling the effects of it taking a toll on my creative abilities and finally my spiritual connection.
So, I needed to get a bit more organized and balanced about fitting everything in, and setting boundaries for myself. Then I needed to be patient and trust that my writing would come when I made time for God. So, I started all of this. Gradually the organization helped balance return with my family, the boundaries helped ease tension, and I felt peace in "trusting" that I would again be creative. As far as my connection to God, I kept doing everything I had been taught and saw my friends do, to connect to Him. Prayer, listening, reading and studying,....on and on I went, day after day....I felt nothing. So I spent more time in prayer, reading, giving, listening, being present,... doing all I was to do to connect to God. Still nothing.

The very next day I got online to try an online "worship style" test. The information from that, was a complete shift in my attitude! Everything came into focus with my results!!! Before I tell you my results, I will outline the "worship styles" that have been identified in research. They are:
These are suggested as the various unique and individual ways that God connects with us. We not only connect with something greater than ourselves but with our true selves as well.
What were my results for how God connects with me? #1) SENSES #2) INTELLECTUAL #3) tied for the following... CONTEMPLATIVE and NATURALIST. These results made so much sense to me. I was only living ways to connect that scored much lower. But I was neglecting my top three ways to connect. This made me realize why music played such an important part in moving my soul. It answers the question of why I always felt closest to God while doing art, reading, writing and being in nature. But to go even deeper, I realized my memories of experiences from childhood were "in sinc" with the results of my test. In going over those memories, they were moments where I felt "one" with something larger than myself. Like I was my most authentic me and felt that God was present. As a child I was not taught about God nor did we really go to church, so I am not sure that I realized what I was experiencing. I do remember feeling complete Joy and Peace and feeling like I was really being myself and that something larger was at work. Now, as an adult, when I intentionally connect with God...I now realize, this is what I was doing as a child,...even with not knowing Him then, He was still reaching out to me. I will share some memories. Maybe it will help you to remember and to notice how you also connect daily.
- As a child I remember getting up early, before my family, on crisp Fall mornings, to ride my bike. With blue and white streamers flying; my breath visible in front of my face; a scratchy wool toboggan pulled down over my ears; the birds; the morning light streaming through the yellow, orange, and red leaves of the trees; my tire tracks in the dew on the grass. I used to love this!!! Looking back it was one of my favorite ways to connect with God as a child..A Total Naturalist, Sensate, and Contemplative moment!
- As a child I could often be found up in a Magnolia tree in full bloom in the spring, drawing all of the blossoms on the tree. Another Naturalist, Sensate, and Contemplative moment.
- As a child I could often be found up in a Magnolia tree in full bloom in the spring, drawing all of the blossoms on the tree. Another Naturalist, Sensate, and Contemplative moment.
- Picking the vegetables out of the garden at our farm, and then helping my mother prepare meals with those colorful and aromatic vegetables. All the while, my science teacher mother, describing how these vegetables grew and the scientific reasons for why they were good for us to eat. Senses, Nature, and Intellectual again.
- Since a small child, music has always been a large part of feeling connected to something larger than myself. The lyrics and tune, when just right, can move my soul....that would be a combination of Senses and Intellectual.
- I have kept journals since I was 9 years old. This was my place of freedom. Always painting with my words on those infinite pages. I have come to know in my adult years, that God definitely meets me on the page. This would be the way I Intellectually and Contemplatively connect with God.
As I looked back over the memories, engaging my senses, being in nature, reading and writing have always been pivotal for my connection with God. I have learned something new...or maybe old...about myself and God, that helps me to go forward in my daily busy life and help me to stay balanced and centered.
How do you worship God?
How do you connect on a daily basis with God?
If you knew your unique way, how would this impact your daily life?
If you know; are you able to worship in the way that best works for both you and God?
If you are not worshiping God in your unique way, what is holding you back?
What changes do you need to make to implement your unique connective pathways?
What can you do to help your children find their worship style?
How can you encourage your children to connect with God in their own unique way?
There are many online tests out there...the easiest I found was at
The book "Sacred Pathways - Discover Your Soul's Path to God" by Gary L. Thomas can be found at
Challenge: Find out your way to connect with God and try living it out a little each day or week. Pay attention to any changes within you and your relationship with God. Pay attention to your mood and feelings while doing it and how you feel afterwards.
"I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well." - Psalm 139:14-16
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."- Ephesians 2:10
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." - Romans 8:14-15
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." - Psalm 32:8
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